Today's date is 31•01•2015 aka the last day of January 2015 .
Sigh ,Time flies way too fast
It was like a few minutes ago I just saw different blogger posting about 2015 resolutions and now January are ending soon :(
I just wish that I can be lil again :( Where I doesn't need to learn how to drive hahaha I hate driving because I suck at it sigh
but I know it's impossible to be lil again
when we r kids we doesn't even need to worry about anything
we can play with our toys /plushie and all
Time flies in a blink on an eye
we must appreciate every single second that we have spent So that we don't regret in the future
Use the time we had wisely for regretting wouldn't make it any better
Use the time we had wisely for regretting wouldn't make it any better