Random Thoughts #3 : manners
I hate to talk to humans which don't pay attention to what I'm trying to say
Come on la this is like basic manners
Exp: how will you feel when you are talking to a person and he or she did not even make eye contact with you (its OK I'm quite OK with this because I understand that humans can multi task . Plus listening doesn't require our eyes) . He or she just concentrate on something else like the TV over you
and when you ask a quest he or she will ask You to repeat what you've just said
Definitely this person wasn't paying attention at all
Show some respect please
It's like idiot if you don't wanna pay attention to what I wanted to say
why not just ask me to shut up rather than ask me to repeat (double effort lo)
plus he or she always make his or her stupid poker face when he or she is answering or listening to me
if it's that case I think it would be better for me to talk to a tree (at least I don't need to repeat) urgh
he or she should really learn how to listen to human