Melaka trip - Day 2
So as I mentioned in my previous post that if u stayed in sunshine inn plus hotel ,you'd be able to enjoy fifteen percent discount off when you spend at eggxtra (which is just right beside it).

Wefie ❤️

So if you'll wanna read about my melaka trip 1 please click here
So we dine in and there're plenty of stuff I'd like to try honestly haha but i couldn't remember it now.
So we ordered what we wanted .
Felt super satisfied when i saw this all on our table 😋😋😋 felt super happy by just looking at them😋😋😋seriously 😂😂

So actually after our breakfast we actually don't know where else could we head anymore but when we were walking towards our car 🚗 i saw a pole with a banner hanging on it and it's an advertisement about sky tower melaka .
So since we're not in a hurry i suggested to go there
Yew's really very good to be honest ,the whole journey was driven by him and accompany me walk through jonker street even after he had driven from johor to melaka .then have to stand all m ranting about how tired and how tired the whole journey was .plus will bring me to any where I suggested . So blessed to have him 😊 thank you.
Alright then we headed to the sky tower using the help of the ultimate apps -waze😂😅
So it was actually a shopping mall I suppose ?
Because it was sort of a shopping mall and it has an aquarium , a toy museum and sky tower if I'm not mistaken . Btw we just went to sky tower cause i think aquarium is not worth it and I've been to toy museum before (but in penang la)

Love this photo the most heh

My shuai shuai yew😍

Sorry for the spamming 😂😂
To describe the sky tower i would say mix feelings i s'ppose because it's somehing new and the place was nicely decorated just that before i went there i was expecting the whole floor was transparent but nope .
And if you wanna take that type of photos there's a corner where their floor was transparent and it was at the corner so the view is your background and it was just you and the background without anyone photo-bombing you just that for that one they use a dslr to help you take photo and they restrict you from using your Phone to take photo at that corner. So there's no way you get to take photo using your camera . For that photos that you've taken if you want you may purchase but i feel that it was not worth and konda overprice.
Then we went to the bottom of the shopping mall and shop for a bit since nothing to do and enjoy some traditional dessert
Then we went to malacca zoo
So it's the holiday season so there are plenty of humans visiting the zoo 97 percent of them are malays (just saying )

They have bird shows over there
So damn damn cute look at it's eyes omg
The zoo was kinda big
From the entrance you wouldn't know that it was that huge but wow it's so huge that there's a lake
And what's remarkable is their disgusting toilet .
So at that time i need to pee and when i went in someone just shitted there without flushing . It was so damn disgusting to me and till now i still can remember ... fuck *facepalm*
It was huge so we were a little tired but not as tired as yesterday at jonker street and we were sweating all the way .
Then although yew is so tired he still drove and we went back to johor XD but we went to pontian first to visit his relatives and have our dinner there (by the way when we reached pontian it was already about eight or nine at night )
And on the way back , i felt frustrating at my sweaty body and kept of ranting but yew still can stand me 😂😂😋so blessed . Thank you yew 😊